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Ingrown Hairs: Real Cause, Removal and Treatment
In this write up, I want to bring everyone up to date on the real cause of Ingrown hairs and how to quickly Resolve Ingrown Hairs What Are Ingrown Hairs/Entrapped Hairs and How are they Caused? Ingrown hairs [more appropriately referred to as entrapped hairs] result when existing shaving bumps [caused by shaving] block the opening [...]
Biochemistry of Shaving Bumps Formation
I have summarized below [in the attached schematic] the biochemical processes involved in Shaving Bumps formation as per the BREEJ New Hypothesis that Shaving Bumps are Primarily Caused by the Trauma from Shaving SHAVING BUMP FORMATION BIOCHEMISTRY SUMMARY Shaving Bumps are Primarily Caused by the Trauma from Shaving Ingrown hairs are Caused by Shaving Bumps Ingrown hairs [more appropriately referred [...]